Trying Out Free JLPT Quizzes

Haley Keller
2 min readMar 3, 2023
A hand holding a pencil fills out a scantron bubble sheet.
Image by F1 Digitals from Pixabay

One of my goals for either this year or next is to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, or JLPT. I don’t need it for employment or anything like that, but I’d like to see what score I can achieve. (I just wish it was a little easier to take, since there aren’t any locations near me, so it’s going to take a lot of planning. Hence why I’m not holding out hope that it will happen this year.)

The JLPT has five levels. N5 is the lowest, and N1 is the highest. So, you have to judge what level you’re at in order to know what test to take. There is information out there that explains what’s on each test, but I was curious about whether there were any practice tests out there that could estimate my JLPT level. I thought it would be fun if nothing else.

What I Found

It turns out that there are some quizzes out there, but none of them were, well, good. I’m actually not going to link to any of the quizzes that I took because I don’t think it’s worth it. Many of them are trying to sell something or get your email address to advertise to you. However, I did find a couple that I could take without needing to give up my email address for the results.

My Results

The results I got were certainly questionable. The test that seemed a little more reliable than any of the others told me I was N5 level, which I found the most likely. Meanwhile, one test on a somewhat popular website told me I was N1! That’s definitely not correct. (That quiz was multiple choice and didn’t have an “I don’t know” option like some of the others, so I think my score was from some lucky guesses.)

Overall, I don’t know that I learned anything I didn’t already know from my little experiment. I do wish there was something more out there. With all of the JLPT study materials you can find, you’d think there’d be more resources. I’m not sure what sort of quizzes you can get behind paywalls, but I do wish there was something more out there that could work as a good study material.

